Welcome to Swim-A-Thon 2018! Congratulations to the Guelph Marlins Aquatic Club as we celebrate our 50th anniversary!
Our goal this year as a club is to raise $50,00 and these swimmers cannot do this without your support. These valuable dollars raised help in the operation of our swim cluB but more importantly help our swimmers in their training.
DONATE TODAY!! Give what you can to make a difference in our swimmers of tomorrow!
Guelph Marlins Swim-A-Thon 2018: WE CAME. WE SWAM. WE CONQUERED.
About Swim-A-Thon
Swim-A-Thon directly supports local swimming programs in communities like yours across the country. Swimming Canada commits 90% of the funds raised to promote and finance swimming programs of ALL levels in the local community of the participant. This 90% commitment places Swimming Canada in the top 5% of all charitable organizations.