26th Guelph Scouting Group announces their Annual Compost Fundraiser.
We invite the community to join us
Saturday May 5th
9am and 2pm
Kortright Hills Public School
23 Ptarmigan Dr. Guelph.
26th Guelph Compost Fundraiser, to help raise money for our Youth Scouts & Leaders attend Netherland Jamborette July 2019. Compost bag size is 1 cubic foot at the price of $3/bag. Pre order your bags of compost by emailing kortrighthillsng@gmail.com or 26thguelphscoutinggroup@gmail.com and/or come by Saturday May 5th to get some of the good stuff for your home gardens this year.
For more information, please contact Leone Schadenberg
26th Guelph Scout Group 26thguelphscoutinggroup@gmail.com