Two Rivers Market

The Two Rivers Market is a local market at Tytler Public School in the Two Rivers Neighbourhood. It focuses on bringing community vendors, local farmers, and neighbours together to strengthen the community, provide access to local food, and encourage local makers to share their products. We also offer free drop-in workshops and other chances for market goers to learn more about the local economy and local food.

The 2018 market will launch on May 25th and run until Oct 5 on Friday
afternoons from 3pm – 7pm.

Vendor Information
Vendors must produce their goods within 30km of the market, with some exceptions for specialty goods. No reselling is allowed. In general, the person vending is the person who made or grew the item. We also encourage items made or grown with an environmentally responsible mindset. Eco-friendly packaging is preferred. All goods meant to be consumed by humans (including health tonics and dry tea mixes) must have approval by public health. Contact the manager for more information.